Welcome to Prophecy

It must be remembered that divination is a great and powerful art, and there are numerous ways of recognising signs of divinity radiating through nature. Some techniques of divination are highly sophisticated and almost scientific, and others are so amazingly simple that even an intuitive child could understand.



Virgo, the Virgin, sixth sign of the Zodiac
August 24th - September 23rd
Discriminative, methodical, logical

COMPATIBLE SIGNS: Capricorn and Taurus

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Advantages of the Group


The Virgo group, like Gemini, has great mental dexterity and versatility. It is pre-eminently a sign of a fine discriminatory sense and great critical powers. They are endowed with great intellect and are capable of reasoning out the intricacies of any problem through sheer logic. They are especially precise with regard to minute details, are very neat and methodical and take great pride with their work. They are very attracted to learning and are the easiest sign to educate, consequently they gain insight into difficult problems that subjects of other signs would experience difficulty in trying to solve. They are loyal, charming, tactful, intuitive, honest, artistic, versatile and have good taste with regards to the arts. They abhor pretentiousness and take pride in their work - being always anxious to give good service. They are humorous and although they love work, they prefer to be left alone to do it. In business they are financially cautious.

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Disadvantages of the Group


If badly placed the Virgo subject may become distasteful and objectionable. He will treat criticism of his own work with contempt, whilst being a prejudiced fault-finder himself. Narrow-mindedness, egotism and a lack of sympathy for the feelings of other people, may prevail. The mind becomes devious and calculating, and very selfish. They become sarcastic, cantankerous, fuss too much about details, thus obscuring the general picture. Exceptional meanness may turn them into latter day 'Scrooges', arousing the dislike of many people. Officiousness, nervousness, lack of principle, extreme neuroticism and scepticism are common characteristics o the badly placed Virgoan.

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Health Difficulties of the Group


The parts of the body more readily prone to infection are the bowels, intestines, liver, abdomen, spleen and the duodenum. Digestion difficulties, constipation and other intestinal difficulties are common complaints of this group. They may also suffer from diarrhoea, dysentery, worms, appendicitis and peritonitis. Nervous disorders may also be in evidence.

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Physical Appearance of the Group


Virgo subjects have an upright appearance with rather a broad head. They have a high forehead, a pale complexion, with generally brown but occasionally blue eyes. The hair is usually brown and is inclined to be curly.

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The Most Suitable Occupations


Professions concerning writing and the production of written matter are very suitable, such as journalsim, secretarial and clerical work. Occupations that entail the use of the hands such as wood carving, metal working, carpentry, engineering professions and gardening are also favourites of the sign. They often tend to become doctors, psychologists and other allied analytical professions. Other professions which suit them entail abstract, statistical and inventive skills, such as computer programming. They also make very good critics.

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The Ideal for Success


The Virgo mind is ever-probing, high intellectual and ingenious. They are fond of detail and hyper-critical when opposed. It is a penetrating kind of mind which should be focussed on one thing at a time instead of many problems simultaneously, to ensure fair criticism and judgement of each individual project. Their hyper-critical side badly needs controlling.

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