Welcome to Prophecy

It must be remembered that divination is a great and powerful art, and there are numerous ways of recognising signs of divinity radiating through nature. Some techniques of divination are highly sophisticated and almost scientific, and others are so amazingly simple that even an intuitive child could understand.



Scorpio, the Scorpion, eight sign of the Zodiac
October 24th - November 22nd
Tenacious, secretive, intensely psychic

COMPATIBLE SIGNS: Cancer and Pisces

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Advantages of the Group


Those born under this sign are thorough in most undertakings and have a boundless strength of purpose in pursuing any aim or goal. Dignity, determination, tenacity, aggression and the will to dominate are highly developed traits of this group. Being of an intensely emotional nature, the group has strong affections and is deeply sympathetic towards others. Caution is their watchword and is cultivated to an extraordinary degree. They are consequently restrained in manner, but courageous when subjected to physical duress. They are reliable, responsible, logical-minded subjects and are inclined to secrecy. There is a natural interest in the occult, stemming from their secretive nature. Scorpios radiate a personal magnetism unsurpassed by any other group.

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Disadvantages of the Group


Caution becomes exaggerated and leads to jealousy and suspicion of everyone; determination degenerates into oppression and tyranny, cruelty and severe aggression. Treacherous, ruthless, forever seeking revenge, vindictive, quarrelsome, bullying and fanatical - all these bad characteristics make the Scorpion the most bloody-minded of the twelve groups. They constantly boast, over-indulge in sensual pleasures, act callously or show complete indifference with regard to the feelings of others and they frequently treat their fellow man with abuse. Their judgement is often very poor and consequently their fine discriminatory powers are misused or obscured.

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Health Difficulties of the Group


Scorpio rules the genital organs, public and nasal bones, bladder, colon, prostate gland and haemoglobin. Nasla catarrh, ulcers and hernia are common ailments of this group. Other comlaints to be found are the conraction of syphilis, scurvy, uterine and womb troubles.

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Physical Appearance of the Group


The Scorpion is usually a thick-set, sturdy but strong-framed type. They are inclined to be under average height and usually have swarthy swallow or olive complexions. The eyes are brown and the hair, dark brown or black, is normally quite curly. The nose is frequently aquiline with large nostrils and the chin is small and pointed. The legs may be slightly bowed, but are muscularly built.

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The Most Suitable Occupations


Professions where investigational work is needed, such as the police force, detection work of all kinds, private investigators and other allied crime detection work. Being a natural healer, the Scorpion makes an ideal doctor or surgeon. They also make successful livings in the military professions, teaching and chemistry. Many scientists and sportsmen, too, are of this type.

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The Ideal for Success


The Scorpion mind is scientifically-oriented but frequently lacks discriminatory powers. Thought processes may be rather hesitant because of the inordinate suspicion and caution of the type. They must eliminate unnecessary caution in order to strengthen their ability to make decisions. The cold, calculating aspects of the nature should be kept well in check. They need to cultivate trust in people.

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