Welcome to Prophecy

It must be remembered that divination is a great and powerful art, and there are numerous ways of recognising signs of divinity radiating through nature. Some techniques of divination are highly sophisticated and almost scientific, and others are so amazingly simple that even an intuitive child could understand.



Aquarius, the Water Bearer, eleventh sign of the Zodiac
January 21st - February 19th
Tolerant, helpful, idealistic

COMPATIBLE SIGNS: Libra and Gemini

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Advantages of the Group


Aquarius is the sign of humanitarianism. The subjects are utterly truthful, kind, sympathetic, patient, sincere, friendly, faithful and affectionate. The Aquarian resembles the Capricornian in his serious outlook when the influence of Saturn is strong, but becomes more unconventional, independent and rebellious towards enforced obedience and conformity when the influence of Uranus prevails. Aquarians are very stable and are unperturbed in times of a crisis. They are tolerant. helpful and idealistic - and often become leaders and reformers. Flexibility of mind, intelligence, above-average creative ability, a progressive outlook, deep sense of kinship with his fellow man and clarity of vision - these characteristics are all finely balanced in the Aquarian subject. It is the symbol of mankind and some of its finest traits.

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Disadvantages of the Group


Being more idealistic than practical, the Aquarian may lack common sense. This may lead to indecision, dreaminess, diffusion of actions and practical incompetence. They become disorganised, disorientated, erractic, unreliable and exceptionally impressionalbe. They lack self-control, become sceptical, are far too conscientious and worry a great deal. They may lack moral fibre, leading to cowardice, bad judgement will prevail and there will also be a distinct lack of consistency and forthrightness, leading to hypocrisy and slyness.

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Health Difficulties of the Group


The parts of the body mainly afflicted are the calves, ankles, teeth, general circulation and nervous system. Bad circulation, neuresthenia and other nerve disorders and blod disorders are common illnesses prevalent in this group. Varicose veins, elephantiasis, damage to ankles and legs and a sensitivity of the lower body in geneal. Toothache, pyrrhoea are other minor ailments that afflict the group.

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Physical Appearance of the Group


They have a handsome, pleasing appearance, with tall well-formed bodies. The skin is pale and usually of good texture, the chin is prominent, and there may be a high, wide brow. The head is quite large, the eyes brown or blue and the hair is a light coloured shade of brown. Aquarians have an unassuming, kindly demeanour and appear to be very helpful.

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The Most Suitable Occupations


Being of an intensely scientific nature. Aquarians tend to gravitate towards trades associated with electricity and radio. They make good technicians in radio, television and computer fields. They also make good journalists, actors and writers because of the imaginative side of their nature. Aviation and associated professions religion and other professions that safeguard humanity, and any occupation where the use of their inventive ability is called upon bring out the best in the subject.

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The Ideal for Success


The mind is scientific and inventive with finely balanced powers of reasoning. The subject is kindly, tolerant, optimistic and diplomatic in his view of life. There is some fixity of ideas, a lack of foresight and a general slowness in attitude, making it difficult for the group to make hasty decisions. What is needed is for the mind to be trained to concentrate more before any measures of success can be achieved. Their practical abilities also need developing.

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