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It must be remembered that divination is a great and powerful art, and there are numerous ways of recognising signs of divinity radiating through nature. Some techniques of divination are highly sophisticated and almost scientific, and others are so amazingly simple that even an intuitive child could understand.



Taurus, the Bull, second sign of the Zodiac
April 21st - May 21st
Steadfast, courageous, firm

COMPATIBLE SIGNS: Virgo and Capricorn

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Advantages of the Group


This group could be said to be the complete opposite of Aries and relates to the Venus type as far as refinement, culture, love of beauty and sensitivity are concerned. They show steadiness of character, patience, are practical, simple-natured, reserved, very kindly and completely honest. They show perseverance which allows them to overcome any obstacles, are protective, and enjoy simple pleasures. Taurus subjects demonstrate a degree of loyalty unsurpassed by any other group, are determined and even-tempered. In business they attain a great deal through sheer concentration, their dealings with others are honourable and they have good administrative ability (especially in money matters). Imperturbable, they love method and have an ordered, stable mind. They are a colourful, charming group, harmonious, fond of good food, music and painting and usually have good singing and speaking voices. The sign in fact produces many excellent singers.

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Disadvantages of the Group


If badly placed, Taureans attach too great a significance to conservative ideas, with a consequent lack of flair and imagination. There is a tendency to boorishness and an inclination to become a stick-in-the-mud. A love of ease and an over-indulgence in food turns them into gluttons. There is a distinct lack of reasoning power and abstinacy manifests itself, where ordinary common sense ought to prevail. Procrastination and indolence due to their slowness in work, selfishness, avarice and meanness in financial dealings are all faults of the sign, and they can be reactionary, and untrustworthy. Once they have made up their minds about something, they are immovable, and this turns, at times, into fanaticism. They show jealousy of the success of others, lethargy and a refusal to make any effort to achieve goals. They become slovenly in attitude and completely lacking in vision or foresight.

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Health Difficulties of the Group


In taureans the parts of the body concerned with sickness and bad health are the neck, throat, ears, sense of taste, thyroid gland, lower jaw, tonsils, carotid arteries, jugular vein, larynx, pharynx and the back of the head. They are prone to throat infections, obesity, goitre, laryngitis, tonsillitis, croup, quinsy and diptheria.

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Physical Appearance of the Group


They are solidly built but inclining to stoutness. A bull-like thick neck, powerful shoulders and rounded head are often typical, with blue or brown hair, usually dark and wary, straight teeth and generally a ruddy complexion. Their manner is ponderous and their gait slow and deliberate.

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The Most Suitable Occupations


Taureans excel in general constructional or building work, especially in executive positions. They can also prosper in most aspects of agriculture, such as farming and animal husbandry. Professions connected with fashion or jewellery, painting and decorating are also suitable. Many are found in work concerning a critical attitude towards food such as food inspectors, gourmets, etc. Artistic interests such as music (especially singing), poetry and painting are good outlets for the sign if a suitable profession can be found.

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The Ideal for Success


The mind is thorough and constructive, rather than critical, and Taureans often have an unusually good memory. The character is steadfast, persistent and well-motivated, when at its best. Efforts should be made to keep a more open mind and to be less selfish and avaricious when the sign is badly placed. Efforts must also be made to cut out any excess of drinking and gluttony which may lead to obesity. Obstinacy, self-righteousness and lack of personal integrity also need to be overcome.

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