Welcome to Prophecy

It must be remembered that divination is a great and powerful art, and there are numerous ways of recognising signs of divinity radiating through nature. Some techniques of divination are highly sophisticated and almost scientific, and others are so amazingly simple that even an intuitive child could understand.



Pisces, the Fish, twelfth sign of the Zodiac
February 20th - March 20th
Imaginative, peace loving, kind

COMPATIBLE SIGNS: Cancer and Scorpio

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Advantages of the Group


The Pisces character resembles the Aquarian, sharing similar humanitarian traits. They are pure idealists and spend their life supporting and helping good causes. This is at once evident by the range of wide sympathies nurtured in the character. They ae very imaginative, full of inspiration, warm-hearted, peace-loving, have the ability to make great personal sacrifices, are receptive to the emotions of others and are spiritually motivated. They are full of understanding and forgiveness but they are themselves often misunderstood. The Piscean has all the abilities to advance himself, but as with the Aquarian, he finds practicality difficult to attain. Consequently he is seldom a very strong character. Sensibility, great intelligence, amiability, the power of interpretation, inspiration and affection for animals are noticeably prominent characteristics. Pisceans make very good listeners and being happy and convivial by nature, make very good companions.

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Disadvantages of the Group


The group frequently lacks the ability to make decisions or to concentrate on matters in hand. They have little common sense and a general ignorance of ordianry values. Their oversensitivity produces moods that fluctuate rapidly between elation and deep depression. This lack of balance often leads to the subject being spendtrift, unmethodical and procrastinative. Diffidence, religious hypocrisy, hysteria, secrecy, masochism and deception are all bad Piscean traits. They suffer from guilt complexes, an inability to express themselves clearly, and often degenerate into severe alcoholism and become far more impressionable than is really healthy. They also may become drug addicts, due to the Piscean's eternal need for emotional or physical stimulation. Ideas become too scattered, and consequently misunderstood or obscured, and they generally become far too anxious about life. It is not surprising that a large percentage of suicides originate from this group.

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Health Difficulties of the Group


Pisces rules the feet, toes, foot muscles and bones, liver, clotting mechanisms and blood circulation. Diseases that prevail are those that affect the feet and toes, such as bunions, corns and gout. Influenza and colds are also fairly prevalent. Tumours, dropsy and liver diseases such as cirrhosis occur when there has been an excessive intake of alcohol. Heart trouble may be present.

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Physical Appearance of the Group


Generally Pisceans are below average height but well-proportioned in shape, possibly with a heavy build. The complexion is bright and may be rather fleshy. The eyes are usually brown, and the hair is all shades of brown. They are often snub-nosed, but more frequently aquiline in appearance. The subjects have large, liquid eyes and the face is rounded.

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The Most Suitable Occupations


Pisceans gravitate to maritime professions and all trades that have connections with liquid. They are often seamen, medical practitioners and chemists. Entertainment and the more sober branches of art, literary, religious and philosophical professions are well represented by this group. Psychology, public house management and work where the imagination is called upon, are other trades that attract Pisceans. Prison service is also a popular choice of profession amongst the group.

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The Ideal for Success


The Piscean mind is very puzzling. Idealistic, extremely romantic, highly imaginative and creative, extremely sympathetic, they lack the ability to be practical. In many cases they are completely ignorant of worldly matters and wander around like lost souls. What is needed for success is a balance to effect the perfect equilibrium of the mind's great imaginative powers and creative ability with an equally strong practical and forceful quality.

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