Welcome to Prophecy

It must be remembered that divination is a great and powerful art, and there are numerous ways of recognising signs of divinity radiating through nature. Some techniques of divination are highly sophisticated and almost scientific, and others are so amazingly simple that even an intuitive child could understand.



The fourth core number, the KARMIC NUMBER is arrived at through the reduction of the consonants in your name. This is the number that describes your secret fears, hopes and fantasies. It also represents the mysteries of the unknown. Some numerologists ascribe this number as possessing the traits of a person that you were in another life. At any rate, it describes the individual that you are on a subconscious level.

The Karmic number also possesses the odd quality of describing how others might see you as a first impression. It is considered to be a description of your astral imprint and what effect it has on other people and situations.

If anything, the Karmic Number can explain why sometimes you feel like you are "damned if you do and damned if you don't" and why sometimes you may have strange dreams or feel compelled by strange or irrational urges that even to yourself seem "out of character.

How to calculate your karmic number


Your karmic number interpretation tells you what you need to do in order to correct your actions from previous lives. It can also help provide invaluable instruction as to what to do so that you can reap the rewards of the seeds that you sow in this life.

The karmic number, which is created from the consonants in your name as it appeared on your birth certificate, can also reveal your deepest hopes, desires, fears and anxieties. This number is an indicator of the subconscious mind and it's inner workings particularly when it comes to compulsive or irrational urges and behavior.

It is also the "you're damned if you do and your damned if you don't number." It describes your Achilles heel and where you may be bound to go wrong in life even though you are well intentioned. It can also help you figure out why you may be achieving the opposite of what you want to achieve in life.

Another interesting aspect of the karmic number is that it can give you an idea of how others see you when it comes to first impressions.

To divine your karmic number, you must first add together all of the letters of your full birth name.

Using the chart below you can take all of the consonants in her name and assign them the numerical equivalents as designated on the chart below.

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
A  B C  D E  F  G  H  I
J  K  L M  N O  P  Q R
S  T U V  W X  Y  Z

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