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It must be remembered that divination is a great and powerful art, and there are numerous ways of recognising signs of divinity radiating through nature. Some techniques of divination are highly sophisticated and almost scientific, and others are so amazingly simple that even an intuitive child could understand.



Cancer, the Crab, fourth sign of the Zodiac
June 22nd - July 23rd
Sensitive, maternal, very romantic

COMPATIBLE SIGNS: Pisces and Scorpio

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Advantages of the Group


Cancer subjects reflect a sympathetic and humanitarian disposition but retain a discriminatory and judicial attitude. Extreme loyalty towards friends and devotion and faithfulness to any just and deserving cause are attributes of the sign. There is a marked preference for established order and the Cancer subjects do not often desire change. They have extreme physical and mental sensitivity, but in steadier types, there is usually adequate control of the fellings. They tend to be sentimental, strongly devoted to the home and family, patriotic, kind, intuitive, tolerant and modest. Also they are imaginative, serene, romantic and persistent. In their business activities, self-reliance, love of method, shrewdness and trift are strongly reflected. They are endowed with a kindly sense of humour, great tenacity and perseverance and strong protective instincts.

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Disadvantages of the Group


Cancer subjects become unstable and unreliabe at times. Sheer vanity creeps into the personality, eventually leading to frivolity and pride. Morbidity, procrastination, timidity and moodiness are all traits of the bad Cancer subject. They can become over-sensitive which gives them inferiority complexes, over-confident when trying to assert themselves, are lacking in active idealism, leading to a dreamy, lethargic way of life. Any slight mental stress or strain can unbalance them. There is a tendency towards prejudice against strangers, stemming from the fact that Cancerians may lead a relatively sheltered family life, with little contact with the outside world. They may also revel in self pity and lack moral-fibre.

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Health Difficulties of the Group


The parts of the body affected by the moon are the female reproductive organs such as the uterus and ovaries. Trouble may also be experienced with the lymphatic and sympathetic nervous systems. Diseases affecting the stomach, liver, pancreas and digestion are prevalent amongst this group. With their great liking for food and drink, Cancerians may suffer from digestive troubles, stomach ulcers, flatulency and dropsy, illnesses that require strict dieting and exercise. Care should be taken to safeguard against such conditions.

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Physical Appearance of the Group


They are short and tend to be plump, with a rather kindly, sympathetic expression. The timidity of the subject is reflected in his appearance. Moon-faced, pallid-skinned, they have large, deep-set eyes, usually hazel or grey in colour. They also have rather fleshy hands and feet, pointed chins and noses, and the hair is usually straight and light brown in colour.

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The Most Suitable Occupations


All nautical, maritime and allied professions are dominant in this group. People who work with liquids such as chemists and publicans are also quite dominant and all work in hotels, restaurants, breweries, waterworks, etc. The clergy in general comes under the influence of Cancer.

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The Ideal for Success


The Cancerian is a highly receptive, intuitive, rather conservative type. They can be reserved, sympathetic, exceptionally sentimental and highly sensitive, which at times may lead to timidity and even morbidity. The subject tends to incline to moodiness or fickleness. Attempts should be made to cast out trace of morbidity which usually springs from distrust and suspicion of others. The mind should retain its deep and ready sympathies, whilst functioning on a higher level to attain material gains.

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