Welcome to Prophecy

It must be remembered that divination is a great and powerful art, and there are numerous ways of recognising signs of divinity radiating through nature. Some techniques of divination are highly sophisticated and almost scientific, and others are so amazingly simple that even an intuitive child could understand.

Soul Urge Number


The SOUL URGE NUMBER is calculated from the VOWELS in your full birth name. The unique interpretation that results from this number can almost be described as the ethical measure of who you really are on this earth. It defines what or whom you value most and describes "what makes you bloom and what makes you wilt."

The Soul Urge Number is a very spiritual reading and the value of it's calculation is that the resulting interpretation often points you in the direction of where you can find real fulfillment in life. By this I mean the "food for your soul" that can help you thrive, rather than just survive from day to day.

The Soul Urge number is often revelatory because it also describes your inner desires as opposed to the limitations of your birth as imposed by the Life Path Number or your higher calling as described by the Expression Number.

How to calculate your soul urge number


Calculating your soul number can help you get back in touch with what really moves you in your life, your reason for being and what gives you true fulfillment.

If you are depressed or seem to be going in the wrong direction in life, the calculation of the soul number can remind you what puts a lift in your step and the sparkle back in your eyes.

Your Soul Number, which defines your very essence or heart's desire, is calculated using the vowels in the name that appeared on your birth certificate.

First of all, eliminate all the consonants from your birth name by adding together the numerical equivalents displayed on the chart below.

A  1
E  5
 I  9
O 6
U 3

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