Welcome to Prophecy

It must be remembered that divination is a great and powerful art, and there are numerous ways of recognising signs of divinity radiating through nature. Some techniques of divination are highly sophisticated and almost scientific, and others are so amazingly simple that even an intuitive child could understand.



Libra, the Scales, seventh sign of the Zodiac
September 24th - October 23rd
Balance, justice, love of beauty

COMPATIBLE SIGNS: Aquarius and Gemini

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Advantages of the Group


Librans have a well-balanced love of harmony and peace and are fanatically in need of harmonious relations with others. They are amiable, courteous, have a great respect for honour, go to great lengths to avoid friction with people, preferring to use tact and compromise rather than brute force in a face-to-ace confrontation. Justice, truthfulness, loyalty and sympathetic attitudes towards the less fortunate, are other fine qualities of this group. They like good company and make good companions themselves, as they are very easy to get on with. They have a balanced intellect, keen appreciative values of beauty, and hold impartial views.

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Disadvantages of the Group


Librans demonstrate a measure of procrastination which at times shows them to be slovenly and careles. They frequently give the appearance of being superficial and insincere, due to their dislike of confrontations and a marked preference for compliance or compromise at all costs. This lack of resistance may make them many enemies. Vanity is another of their chief faults. They tend to be garrulous, ostentatious and are forever flirting. They can seldom do things for themselves and nearly always need moral support. They are also ultra-sensitive and their moods rapidly fluctuate between elation and extreme despondence and they can also be rather aggressive and warlike at times. They over-indulge in sentimentality, are often too hesitant or cowardly and seldom make any progress because of their extreme laziness.

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Health Difficulties of the Group


This type does not have a particularly strong constitutions. Parts of the body ruled by Libra are kidneys, loins, lumbar regions, skin surface, the ureters and the walls of the blood cells. Illnesses that afflict the group are kidney diseases such as acute nephritis, lumbago, eczema and other eruptive skin troubles, urinary troubles and diabetic conditions.

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Physical Appearance of the Group


The individual Libran is very graceful, with a moderate height and build in fine proportion. Their eyes are usually blue but can sometimes be brown. The hair is invariably light brown or shades of blonde. Pale, marble-like complexions are common in the sign.

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The Most Suitable Occupations


Librans can frequently be found in design and allied professions. Diplomatic service and government work demanding good judgement also attract them. They do quite well in the arts, especially literature and the stage and they make excellent dancers, because of their elegant, graceful figures, architecture, navigation and public speaking - all suit the Libran.

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The Ideal for Success


The Libran is a sympathetic, persuasive and tactful type with a highly discriminative, and impartially judicious mind. Hesitancy, though, would appear to be a severe obstacle. On occasions, self-centredness and extreme ruthlessness obscure their great qualities and need to be checked. Hesitancy should be overcome through the adoption of a stronger line of action, thus enabling the mind's judicial function to be more finely developed.

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