Welcome to Prophecy

It must be remembered that divination is a great and powerful art, and there are numerous ways of recognising signs of divinity radiating through nature. Some techniques of divination are highly sophisticated and almost scientific, and others are so amazingly simple that even an intuitive child could understand.

Life Path Number


The Life Path Number that is based on your BIRTHDATE

First of all lets look at the divination of the LIFE PATH NUMBER. The Life Path Number is calculated from assigning a numeric value to your birthday (which must be written out in long form as in 05/10/1990 as opposed to 05/10/90).

The Life Path Number is perhaps the most commonly requested reading of all of the numerology readings as it is the easiest and fastest to do. It describes your journey through life and what you can best hope to accomplish.

However simply looking just at your Life path number does not constitute what I would call a full reading. Even a reading that consists of just the four core elements is not a complete analysis as it only describes the most likely projected path when you are born. It does not take into account special challenges or potential moments in time when you can use your free will in order to change what would otherwise be your fate.

The Life Path Number is the sum of your entire birthday including the year. This number represents whom you were when you came into this world and the extent of your potential and limitations physically, psychologically, spiritually and emotionally.

How Is Your Life Path Calculated


The Life Path is determined by the sum that is arrived at after reducing your birth date by adding digits together. This number represents the traits and talents that you were born with and the probable journey you will take during your lifetime.

This is calculated in four steps:

1) Add up the digits in your month of birth (if more than one digit, exception Master      Number i.e. 11 and 22)
2) Add up the digits in your day of birth (if more than one digit, exception Master Number      i.e. 11 and 22)
3) Add up the digits in your year of birth and reduce it to single digit (exception Master      Number i.e. 11 and 22).
4) Add up the answers from (1), (2), and (3) above.

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