Welcome to Prophecy

It must be remembered that divination is a great and powerful art, and there are numerous ways of recognising signs of divinity radiating through nature. Some techniques of divination are highly sophisticated and almost scientific, and others are so amazingly simple that even an intuitive child could understand.



Sagittarius, the Archer, ninth sign of the Zodiac
November 23rd - December 21st
Extrovert, optimistic, independent


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Advantages of the Group


Sagittarians are born extroverts. They enjoy life to the full and take great delight in all sporting activities. They have a keen sense of sportsmanship, making the group extremely likeable since they seldom make enemies. They are generally optimistic and independent, frank, honest, athletic, hold strong views on personal freedom and have above average mental abilities. They are religious, love, travelling, are impulsive and have a generally light-hearted attitude towards life. Their vigour of personality, abundant supply of energy and love of 'fair play', most certainly makes them one of the most popular groups.

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Disadvantages of the Group


The chief faults of the Sagittarian are false pride, over-extravagance due to a basically generous nature, lack of tact in their dealings with others and physical over-exertion due to their sporting nature. The subjects, being extroverts, may grow braggardly, boastful, inclined to gross exaggeration, boastful, inclined to gross exaggeration, dishonest, arrogant and may also lack personal integrity. They may be quarrelsome and argumentative and tend to revolt against the establishment. As with the Gemini subject, Sagittarians tend to know a little of everything and seldom have a comprehensive knowledge of any one subject, but unlike the Gemini, there is little care over detail. They love being the centre of attraction and are continually trying to impress.

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Health Difficulties of the Group


The main parts of the body ruled by Sagittarius are the hips, the thighs, the loins, femur, iliac and sciatic nerves. Rheumatism, rheumatic fever and similar complaints are common ailments of the group. Sciatica and hip diseases may also be prevalent. Because of their strong attachment to sports, Sagittarians are much more prone to accidents than subjects of other groups.

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Physical Appearance of the Group


Sagittarius is a tall, athletic, well proportioned type. The face is oval with a high forehead, expressive eyes which are grey and sometimes blue. The nose tends to be aquiline and hair is usually sandy or light brown and is often thin.

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The Most Suitable Occupations


Sagittarians gravitate to most sporting or outdoor professions, and often become travellers, explorers and hunters. They also make good philosophers, teachers, clergymen, public speakers and bankers. They could succeed as merchants, civil servants and a large proportion enter the law profession, often making fine judges and magistrates.

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The Ideal for Success


Sagittarians have a carefree, extroverted nature. The mind is highly intelligent, if rather flamboyant in expression, and the subject is in general, rather a banevolent, charitable sort of person. The ideal for success would be to channel energies in one direction at a time, thus ensuring the right choice of an objective. Restlessness and lack of concentration need to be firmly controlled.

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