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It must be remembered that divination is a great and powerful art, and there are numerous ways of recognising signs of divinity radiating through nature. Some techniques of divination are highly sophisticated and almost scientific, and others are so amazingly simple that even an intuitive child could understand.



Leo, the Lion, fifth sign of the Zodiac
July 24th - August 23rd
Self confidence, enthusiasm, pride

COMPATIBLE SIGNS: Aries and Sagittarius

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Advantages of the Group


The Leonian subject is courageous, bold in thought and deed, big hearted, open minded and has a strong sense of dignity. They are eminently suited to positions of prominence and authority. Their open-mindedness is accompanied by kindliness and a great deal of optimism, which are characteristic of their general outlook. They demonstarte great vitality, controlled ambition, fidelity to all causes, dogged persistence, tolerance, humanitarianism, an equable temper, and are very affectionate and brimming with self-confidence.

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Disadvantages of the Group


Courage and boldness may degenerate, resulting int the individual becoming something of a despot or tyrant. These become arrogant, boastful and quite ruthless. Being born leaders, the subjects will attempt to be 'boss' whether they have the ability or not. At the same time they may attempt to take the credit for something that a subordinate may deserve. Ostentation, overindulgence , sheer vanity, and pompousness are apt to be in evidence. Their vanity is so great that they dislike anyone who does not wish to flatter them. They cling to established tradition, are very snobbish and patronising and may incline to meanness.

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Health Difficulties of the Group


Leo subjects health difficulties may centre around those parts of the body that control the vitality of that individual. Generally, Leonians suffer a great deal from heart diseases and other allied illnesses such as palpitations and fainting spells. Bad circulation may also pose a problem at times. Anaemia and spinal diseases such as lumbago may also be in evidence.

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Physical Appearance of the Group


The subject's stature depends on the position of the sun. Sometimes it will be above average height with a well-proportioned, robust body; at other times it may be slim and of average height. They have rather large heads, big staring eyes and large noses. The hair is usually blonde or light brown in colour.

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The Most Suitable Occupations


This group is most suited to positions of leadership. Executive posts in all professions will have their fair share of Leonians. Any position where he can assert his authority is ideal, such as top ranking military officers, highly placed civil servants, diplomats and any other government posts. Professions allied to high finance, stockbroking and banking are also suitable, as are principals of schools and universities. The legal profession, any constructive or pioneering work, and any work entailing the use of gold will lead to success.

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The Ideal for Success


A generous, tolerant kind of mind that always commands attention and great respect is the gift of the Leo personality. He is a very open minded person who is against any kind of secrecy. He is courageous and bold but inclined to be domineering and even tyrranical when the sign is badly placed. Thus, what is he needs wider expansion, without thrusting his dominant, aggressive will on subordinates or competitors. It would be desirable to preserve a careful equilibrium between the ambitions of the individual and the means he employs to achieve them.

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