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It must be remembered that divination is a great and powerful art, and there are numerous ways of recognising signs of divinity radiating through nature. Some techniques of divination are highly sophisticated and almost scientific, and others are so amazingly simple that even an intuitive child could understand.



Aries, the Ram, first sign of the Zodiac
March 21st - April 20th
New beginnings, energy, leadership

COMPATIBLE SIGNS: Leo and Sagittarius

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Advantages of the Group


Arians demonstrate extreme physical courage and enthusiasm for all ideas. They possess unlimited energy in the handling of their affairs and are adventurous, bold and audacious in attacking problems at hand. Enterprising and capable of grasping opportunities they show great independence, mental dexterity in debate, and a general air of vigour which should be sensibly channelled. They are the world's great optimists, sincere in dealing with others and have a tendency to champion causes on behalf of the less fortunate.

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Disadvantages of the Group


Both types can be reckless and pig-headed, often involving the taking of unnecesssary risks and indulging in foolhardy heroics. They are impulsive, quarrelsome, uncompromising and are wasteful with regard to physical and mental vigour. They can also be very impatient with slower people. The group has a tendency to act without first thinking of the consequences, usually with complete disregard for other people's feelings or rights. They are uncompromising, very easily provoked, aggressive, sarcastic, greedy, desirous of power, egocentric, imprudent, boastful, and their pride derives from stubbornness. There is a distinct lack of impartiality and because he never looks before he leaps, the Arian tends to 'step on' people in his desire for power or promotion-thus gaining a reputation for ruthlessness.

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Health Difficulties of the Group


Health difficulties are those associated with the head, brain, face, eyes, upper jaw, cerebrum and carotid arteries. Typical Aries diseases are brain fever, headaches, neuralgic and eye troubles, facial complaints such as toothache and gumboils, and feverish sickness such as influenza. These are the main illness which should be avoided or safeguarded against. Headwounds, too, are a common occurrence amongst Arians.

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Physical Appearance of the Group


The sign gives an energetic demeanour with a quick, darting appearance, rather a lean and wiry torso, and a long, slender neck. Its subjects are often round headed and snub-nosed, with a prominent chin. The teeth are quite prominent, the eyes usually hazel or grey, and the hair is reddish or light brown, usually curly or wiry.

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The Most Suitable Occupations


Military and associated professions are all suitable for this sign, and they also make good sportsmen, travellers, leaders and explorers. Any adventurous occupation is particularly agreeable to Arians. All branches of engineering and mechanical work attract them, also any profession utilising sharp instruments, such as doctors, surgeons and machinists. Retail buying and selling trades. The police force, fire service and any work where the use of metals or control of fire is necessary.

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The Ideal for Success


The mind is of the executive type, confident, independent, ingenious and aggresive. Unfortunately the Arian tendency is to become far too ruthless and to excessively strain physical and emotional resources. The ideal for the sign is to keep a firm grip and to prevent unnecessary waste of energy and vigour. Learn to hold one's temper and avoid going to extremes. Also learn to reflect, and think deeply about all matters. Ambition should not be allowed to degenerate into greed and a lust for power, and a greater measure of genuine self-confidence sought.

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