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It must be remembered that divination is a great and powerful art, and there are numerous ways of recognising signs of divinity radiating through nature. Some techniques of divination are highly sophisticated and almost scientific, and others are so amazingly simple that even an intuitive child could understand.



Capricorn, the Goat, tenth sign of the Zodiac
December 22nd - January 20th
Hardworking, meticulous, persevering

COMPATIBLE SIGNS: Taurus and Virgo

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Advantages of the Group


Under this sign, we have the diligent, hard working personality. The Capricornian is very ambitious - probably more so than any other group - authoritative and very cautious. They are emotional with an exceptionally kind and humane disposition. Thrifty, persistent, self-disciplined, meticulous, introspective, loyal, tactful and materialistic - these characteristics are all very prominent in the sign. Their materialistic gains - which usually result in the subjects accumulating great wealth - are the results of hard work and patient efforts. The Capricornian tends to stick to old habits and customs and dislikes change intensely. Their diplomatic maner in dealing with others makes them good politicians and tacticians. Perseverance, great concentration, prudence and great care are noticeable traits of their nature, and their massive industry often brings this group into prominence and notice.

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Disadvantages of the Group


The subjects have a tendency to extreme pessimisn. They never seem to see the good side of anything but prefer to look at the dark side of life. Theirs is a glommy outlook, continually worrying about irrelevant matters, frequently affected by fluctuating moods and they are often difficult people to please. They tend to love being dominant and are often too self-important and snobbish. They sympathies are limited and they have very little heart which usually leads to sheer cruelty and selfishness. There is a prominent tendency to use other people for their own advantages or gains, revealing a strong streak of cunning. They tend to live in the past and this refusal to progress limits their abilities and capabilities. Restlessness, unscrupulousness, narrow-mindedness, envy inflexibility and bitterness are fairly common in these subjects. They are, in fact, very ineffective people.

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Health Difficulties of the Group


The parts of the body ruled by Capricorn are the knees, joints, hair and the skin. Dislocation of bones, articular rheumatism and cramp are common ailments of the subjects. Breakages of bones are frequent. Syphilis, eczema and other allied skin complaints also affect the group. Toothache is a regular, minor complaint.

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Physical Appearance of the Group


A tall, lank, loose jointed type, the build is slighter than average. A narrow chin and lantern jaw enhance the features. The nose is large, straight and prominent, and the complexion is dry and sallow. The eyes are generally blue and the hair light-coloured but sparse.

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The Most Suitable Occupations


Work of a routine or organisational nature such as clerical and allied office employment attract Capricornians. Estate management, the building trade, agriculture and farming occupations also have their fair share of the sign. There is a tendency towards religion in the group, resulting in many entering chruch. Most branches of engineering and also occupations requiring discipline, such as the armed forces and the police forces are suitable for them.

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The Ideal for Success


The mind, at its best, is quite forceful, but is frequently unbalanced by the intense degree of caution cultivated. Clear, concentrated thought, love of method and a commanding power of self-control, enhance the fine qualities bestowed on the native. He may, however, tend to be selfcentred, pessimistic, lacking in concentration and without sufficient sympathy and tact towards his fellow being. What is needed here is the cultivation of tolerance to all people and all things on a wider scale. Concentration should also be encouraged and ambition should not degenerate into unscrupulousness.

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